About Amy Dickey

AmyThank you for visiting my page! From a professional standpoint, I am pursuing a career as a physician scientist; however, my faith in Jesus is even more central to who I am. I started this blog as a platform to share my view about life, medicine, and faith. I hope you enjoy!

To share my career background, I am currently a pulmonary and critical care fellow at Harvard’s Massachusetts General Hospital. I received a BSc in biochemistry from the University of Oklahoma and an MSc in cell biology and MD from Vanderbilt University. After medical school, I moved to Seattle to train in internal medicine at the University of Washington, before coming to Boston for fellowship.

Academically, I am interested in HIV-TB co-infection. My interest in TB stems from my experience growing up in China and Taiwan, before moving to the US for college. The emergence of HIV has contributed to a resurgence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection throughout the world. Despite significant efforts to control both diseases, tuberculosis (TB) is now the leading cause of death among those with HIV. My research aims to better understand the dysfunctional immune interaction between HIV and Mtb in the airways, with the hope of curtailing the effects of these dual epidemics.

Besides medicine, lung diseases, HIV, or TB, I am also interested in many questions concerning life and faith. I plan to share my thoughts about many of these topics here. Stay tuned!